Blogs that inspire me since day 1 of my PhD journey.
- List of Conferences \cdot Anne M. Burton and Barton Willage
- Short papers’ outlets \cdot Barton Willage
Data Visualisation
- AEA Guide \cdot Jonathan A. Schwabish
- Fundamentals \cdot Claus O. Wilke
- Intro \cdot Kieran Healy
- Economics Detactive \cdot Garrett Peterson
- EconTalk \cdot Russ Roberts
- Probable Causation \cdot Jennifer Doleac
- Rocking our Priors \cdot Alice Evans
- Women in Economics \cdot St. Louis Fed
- Vox Talks \cdot & CEPR
- 22 Tips \cdot Mark F. Bellemare
- Keep it Short \cdot Markus Goldstein & Dacid Evans
- Rehearse \cdot Carmine Gallo
- Public Speaking for Academic Econs \cdot Rachael Meager
Slides & Posters
- \LaTeX Beamer Nord Template for Econ \cdot Yannis Galanakis
- Beamer Tips \cdot Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
- Poster Resources \cdot UNC The Graduate School
- 10 steps \cdot Chris Blattman
- How to critique \cdot Macartan Humphreys
- Applied Micro Talk \cdot Jesse M. Shapiro
- JM Seminar \cdot Bruce E. Hansen
- Lunch Seminar \cdot Adam Guren
- \LaTeX Working Paper Template \cdot Yannis Galanakis
- Workflows \cdot Luke Stein
- Code & Data \cdot Matthew Gentzkow & Jesse M. Shapiro
- Stata Links \cdot Masayuki Kudamatsu
- Economics figures using TikZ \cdot Chiu Yu Ko
- Coding for Econ \cdot Ljubica “LJ” Ristovska
- Tips \cdot John H. Cochrane
- 4 Steps to an Applied Micro Paper \cdot Jesse M. Shapiro
- Dissertation \cdot The IHS (Mike Munger)
- Structure Formulae:
- Intro \cdot Keith Head
- Middle Bits
- Conclusion \cdot Marc F. Bellemare
- 10 Rules for JMP \cdot Claudia Goldin & Lawrence Katz